Since 2019, 13 IR UMY Students Graduated with Article Publication

February 27, 2022, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta — Sunday (27/02/2022), since 2019, International Relations Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta recorded 13 students have been graduated from the program with article publication, as the department introduced a new way of graduation scheme for the students.

The old scheme requires undergraduate thesis in order to graduate. Meanwhile, the new scheme give more flexibility for students to choose their final task. They can choose either undergraduate thesis, article publication, or internship working report.

Each type has a different form. However, students will be supervised by lecturer so that the outcome of the final task will be in line with the requirement from the department. Those who chose article publication not required to have seminar proposal. Instead, they can directly proceed to thesis defense.