Milad ‘Aisyiyah 104: Congratulations!

May 20, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Aisyiyah as an Islamic women’s organization and movement in Indonesia which was founded long before the cuntry’s independece is celebrating its 104th anniversary.
More than a year has passed since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic yet Aisyiyah still continues to make more contributions in helping the society in dealing with the pandemic.

The organization believes this unfortunate situation has badly affected people’s lives from plenty of different aspects. The role of Aisyiyah in education, health, economic as well as community empowerment has become more important than ever. Not to forget that Aisyiyah is also actively engaging partnerships with both local and international organizations.

Once again, congratulations Aisyiyah and good luck in creating more positive impacts on society and Indonesia as a whole.