IPIREL Annual Lecture: Does Global South Perspective Exists in IR Discourse?

July 5, 2022, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta — Tuesday (05/07/2022), International Program of International Relations (IPIREL) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta held an annual lecture by inviting a distinguished Professor from American University, Washington, Prof. Amitav Acharya to give a talk on the topic “Is There a Global South Perspective of International Relations?”.

The lecture was participated by more than 100 participants from Germany, Indonesia, Thailand, Austria, Australia, Republic of Korea, Pakistan, Timor Leste, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, Philippines, and Canada. Chaired by IPIREL Director, Zain Maulana Ph.D., the lecture was highly enjoyed by the participants.

After the lecture lasts for approximately 1.5 hours, the discussion continued with lots of intriguing and fruitful questions from the attendees. In the last question, when Prof. Amitav was asked about his opinion about the current Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, Prof. Amitav answered the question with an optimistic tone. According to him, the Indonesian Foreign Minister is doing incredible jobs during her term. Additionally, Prof. Amitav showed the audience his selfie photo with Retno Marsudi during their last meeting in Indonesia.