I Managed to Deepen My Knowledge on Certain Fields of IR: IRViSS Participant Commented

September 27, 2022, oleh: superadmin

One of the IRViSS 2022, Abdul Kadir, gave a comment about his experience during the program that was held 4 July-4 August 2022 virtually earlier. Here is the following comment:

As a student from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) I gained a lot of benefits from participating in IRviss. IRViSS, known as International Relations Virtual Summer School is a 1-month-long summer class executed virtually by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) that focuses on the fields of International Relations.

By joining it, I managed to obtain priceless knowledge and brand new inputs. Every day, there were new lecturers invited to teach students. As lecturers kept changing based on their respective fields, I managed to deepen my knowledge in certain fields of IR. Besides, IRviss has also offered me a the subject that I never touched before, such as Global Governance and International relations in the world of Islam. These subjects have opened my eyes to not stop seeking for knowledge as IR is clearly a massive field. Above all, I have also met a lot of new friends in UMY. Most of them are Indonesian, and some are Thai. This has created positive networks for me as well as made me understand further about Indonesian cultures.

Overall it was worth it. The one-month class with the IRViSS by UMY was one of the most unforgettable and remarkable experiences I ever had. Thus IRViSS has impacted me directly and indirectly. Hopefully, there will be more students to embark on IRViSS in order to enhance their social politics knowledge.