3000 Vaccine Doses from UMY: Optimism towards Herd Immunity

August 29, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Yogyakarta — Sunday (29/08/2021), Universias Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has held another drive-thru vaccination to support the government’s efforts in tackling COVID-19 on August 8th. This event was opened by the Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan and fully supported by Muhammadiyah Official Organization, Muhammadiyah COVID-19 Command Center, Korem 072 Pamungkas, also Incident Command System (ICS UMY). The vaccine requirements are simple; the attendance only need to show Student ID card (KTM) for UMY students and National Identity Card (KTP) for others categories to the committee. Before the vaccination day, the vaccine participants are required to fill out the administration in the link https://pedulilindungi.com and https://vaksin.umy.ac.id.

A massive amount of Sinovac vaccine is about 3000 doses mainly distributed for six categories: UMY student, UMY alumni, employees’ family of UMY, employees of PT UMB and PT AMB, public domiciled in Bantul, and high school Muhammadiyah students. This event starts from 8 A.M. until 2 P.M. (23/08).

“Alhamdulillah, there is a lot of enthusiasm regarding today’s vaccination from the participant and also the committee. I’m very grateful for all of the support committees, participants”, stated Dr. Ir. Gunawan, as the Rector of UMY, while open the event. Gunawan added more that a massive amount of vaccines are as an “Ikhtiar of Muhammadiyah Menuju Sehat.”

The excitement of the participants are seen by a lot of people who attend this event that lines up regularly, use mask, and adhere social distancing. “This event has a good practice and service in distributing the vaccine; thank you for all committees. I’m happy that I already get the vaccine,” commented one of the participants that participated in this event. Hope for the best of the next UMY vaccination!
