Exchange Experience in Thailand

August 23, 2017, oleh: superadmin

IPIREL have student mobility program to support the learning process and widen the student’ knowledge. One of the student mobility programs is student exchange. Student exchange program able to become a bridge for students to learn and know about the culture of other countries. This experience felt by Nabilla Syahaya Putri Aryani, Candra Lasmana, and Fitriani Nengsi as students of International Relations UMY who are undergoing exchange program at Khon Kaen University International College in Thailand. They said this exchange program becomes the door that can deliver them to get better understand the culture and gain new valuable experience. Nabilla said, “we try to understand the diversity of the surrounding area which is quite different from Indonesia”. Candra said “we learn a lot of customs and culture from the surrounding community. While Fitria said “our experience in exchange to Thailand is also add the new insight for us”. They have several times to visit the temple that become the center of Thailand civilization. They interact with Thai students and also other foreign students who join the exchange program or currently studying at Khon Kaen University. Student exchange also able to introduce Indonesia culture. In this occasion, they participate in the celebration of Indonesia Independence Day on August 17, 2017. They have performed traditional dances in front of the foreign guests from various countries. (AN)