
Yogyakarta has reliable transportation within the city. Students can easily access public transport such as city buses (Trans Jogja), whose shelters are already everywhere. So you can make this transportation the primary solution. Trans Jogja operates until 21.00 WIB. Apart from that, there are also pedicabs and horse carts that you can choose from.

Also, online transport-application such as Gojek and Grab are also available in around Yogyakarta. For those who want an instant transportation. Gojek and Grab would be a good consideration to choose.

Students also do not need to be confused when they want to travel far with their group of friends on campus because there are many motorbike and car rentals with a price tag of Rp. 25.000 to Rp. 70.000 for motorbike rental for one day and car rentals are starting at Rp. 250.000. Students are required to leave their student card / KTP and STNK Motor for the requirements of borrowing a motorbike or car.