IPIREL UMY Wishes You a Happy Islamic New Year 1442 H

August 20, 2020, oleh: superadmin

On the auspicious day of Muharram, may Allah bless you with health, wealth, peace and happiness May all the praises and thanks be to Allah to whom belongs all that is in heavens and in the earth.

May Allah Almighty shower his blessing on the Muslim Ummah all over the world. Let us also remember the month of Muharram. Let us remember Muharram ul Haram, the month worthy of reverence, and Ashura, and also remember Karbala with sorrow. Let us send our greetings and regards to Allah’s Messenger and his family.

IPIREL UMY wishes you a Happy Islamic New Year, 1 Muharram, 1442 H.