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Visiting Lecturers

International Program of International Relations also cooperates with several notable universities abroad to establish a visiting lecturers program in certain subjects. They are :

  • Prof. Dr. Bernard Adeney Risakotta (Visiting Lecture UGM)
  • Prof. Dr. Bilveer Singh (Visiting Lecturer National University of Singapore)
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Behrens (Visiting Lecture University of Erfurt, Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Kamarulnizam Abdullah (Visiting Lecture Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
  • Dr. Michael Barr & Prof. Anton Lucas (Visiting Lecture Flinders University)
  • Prof. Yang Seung Yoon, PhD (Visiting Lecture Seoul University)
  • Prof. (As). Dr. Nazir Hussain (Visiting Lecture Quaid-I-Azzam University, Pakistan)

Learning Outcomes

1.1 fearing God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude;

1.2 upholding human values ​​in carrying out tasks based on religion, morals and ethics;

1.3 contributing to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and advancement of civilization based on Pancasila;

1.4 acting as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation;

1.5 respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others;

1.6 cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment;

1.7 obeying the law and discipline in social and state life;

1.8 internalizing academic values, norms and ethics;

1.9 shows an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently or in groups;

1.10 internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship;

1.11 internalizing Islamic and Muhammadiyah values ​​in everyday life.

2.1 master the theoretical concepts of political science, especially the type and analysis of international relations;

2.2 master the rules and principles of geoeconomics, geopolitics, geostrategy and geoculture, multiculturalism politics, and political communication;

2.3 mastering the principles and techniques of cross-cultural communication;

2.4 mastering knowledge of international norms and ethics, society, culture and politics of countries;

2.5 mastering at least one international language and globalization of information;

2.6 mastering Islamic and Muhammadiyah perspectives in the study of international relations.

3.1 Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to or uses human values ​​in accordance with their field of expertise;

3.2 Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance;

3.3 Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science (and) technology that takes into account and applies human values ​​in accordance with their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or criticisms;

3.4 Compiling a scientific description of the results of the study mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report and uploading it on the college page;

3.5 Able to make decisions appropriately in the context of problem-solving in their area of ​​expertise, based on the information and data analysis;

3.6 Able to develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers, both inside and outside the institution;

3.7 Able to show self-confidence politely as a representation of superior and Islamic personality;

3.8 Able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the workgroup under their responsibility and able to manage to learn independently;

3.9 Able to document, store, secure and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism

4.1 Able to analyze global issues and policies in the fields of economy, politics, business and socio-culture in government and private institutions;

4.2 Able to carry out parts of the arbitration, facilitation or mediation function in resolving conflicts at the national and global levels;

4.3 Able to build public relations or public opinion and carry out cross-cultural communication;

4.4 Able to conduct bilateral and multilateral negotiations in the context of international social and business;

4.5 Able to display cultural expressions in accordance with superior and Islamic personalities;

4.6 Able to present himself in an international forum in accordance with the Indonesian personality that breathes Islamic values.

Career Prospect & Competence

International Diplomacy Practitioner

International Business Practitioner (Multinational)

International Advocacy Activist (Transnational)

International Relations Academics